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Development environment

Development environment

This is a step-by-step guide to setting up a local development environment that will let you contribute back to the project.

  1. Install Node.js and yarn
  2. Fork and checkout your own webhint repository
  3. Add the upstream source
  4. Run the build

Step 1: Install Node.js and yarn

Go to to download and install the latest stable version of Node.js for your operating system.

Go to to download and install the latest stable version of classic yarn for your operating system, yarn v2 is not supported yet. webhint uses yarn’s workspaces feature to maintain several packages in the same GitHub repo.

Step 2: Fork and checkout your own webhint repository

Go to and click the Fork button. Follow the GitHub documentation for forking.

Clone your forked repository:

git clone<your_GitHub_username>/hint.git

Then go into the project’s directory:

cd hint

and run yarn to get all the necessary dependencies:


You must be connected to the Internet for this step to work. You’ll see a lot of utilities being downloaded.

Step 3: Add the upstream source

The upstream source is the main webhint repository that active development happens on. While you won’t have push access to upstream, you will have pull access, allowing you to pull in the latest code whenever you want.

To add the upstream source for webhint, run the following in your repository:

For HTTPS (recommended) use:

git remote add upstream

Or for SSH use:

git remote add upstream

Now, the remote upstream points to the upstream source.

Step 4: Run the build

Run your initial build from main before making changes. This reduces the time for your first build by downloading pre-built assets instead of building them.

yarn build

In order to keep build and test times fast, run subsequent builds and tests only for the individual packages you make changes to. Change to the package directory (cd packages/{edited-package}) and run yarn build or yarn test from there.

Built-in scripts

There are different scripts in all the package.json (root and package ones). The following is the list of all the available ones:

Command Description Availability
ava Shortcut to the ava binary. Useful if you want to test one file and/or skip some of the steps of the test task everywhere
build This will build the current package or all the packages from scratch everywhere
build:hint This builds the main webhint package root
build:assets Copies the static files to the dist folder package
build:ts Compiles the TypeScript files and outputs to the dist folder package
clean Cleans the output of all the packages or the current one everywhere
lint Lints all the markdown and TypeScript files everywhere
lint:js Lints TypeScript files using eslint everywhere
lint:md Lints markdown files using markdownlint everywhere
new:hint Starts the wizard to create a new hint under /packages/ root
release Publishes the package in npm after running the tests and validate everything is fine package
webhint Runs webhint from packages/hint package (hint)
test Builds the package or the most recent modified packages and runs the tests with code coverage everywhere
test-all Builds the whole project and run the tests of all the packages root
watch Launches all the other watch tasks in parallel, useful when developing package
watch:resources Copies all the static assets to dist and any new ones added package
watch:test Runs the tests as soon as there is a test in the tests or in the code to test package
watch:ts Compiles the TypeScript files as soon as there is a change package