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Develop a formatter

Develop a formatter

A formatter formats the results of webhint: from crafting JSON to connecting to a database and storing the results in it.

To create one, you will need a class that implements the interface IFormatter. This interface has an async method format that receives an array of messages if any issues have been found.

The following is a basic formatter that .stringify()s the results:

export default class JSONFormatter implements IFormatter {
    public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
        console.log(JSON.stringify(messages, null, 2));

A message looks like this:

    "location": {
        "column": "number", // The column number where the issue was found if applicable.
        "line": "number", // The line number where the issue was found if applicable.
    "message": "string", // The human friendly detail of the error.
    "sourceCode": "string", // The piece of code where the issue was found if applicable.
    "resource": "string", // The URL or name of the asset with the issue.
    "hintId": "string", // The name of the triggered hint.
    "category": "Category", // The category of the triggered hint. Where type `Category` is enum of values : 'accessibility', 'development', 'compatibility', 'other', 'pwa', 'performance', 'pitfalls' and 'security'.
    "severity": "Severity", // The severity of the hint based on the actual configuration. Where type `Severity` is enum of values : 'off', 'warning' and 'error'.
    "codeLanguage": "string" // The language of the sourceCode if applicable.

With this, you can group the issues by resource and sort them by location.line and location.column.

Using the previous example and lodash, formatter will look as follows:

import * as _ from 'lodash';

export default class JSONFormatter implements IFormatter {
    /** Format the problems grouped by `resource` name and sorted by line and column number */
    public async format(messages: Problem[], options: FormatterOptions = {}) {
        const resources = _.groupBy(messages, 'resource');

        _.forEach(resources, (msgs, resource) => {
            const sortedMessages = _.sortBy(msgs, ['location.line', 'location.column']);

            console.log(`${resource}: ${msgs.length} issues`);
            console.log(JSON.stringify(sortedMessages, null, 2));

The options parameter is as follows:

export type FormatterOptions = {
    config?: UserConfig;
    /** Start time (queued in online scanner) ISO string */
    date?: string;
    isScanner?: boolean;
    /** Language used for localization */
    language?: string;
    noGenerateFiles?: boolean;
    /** The file to use to output the results requested by the user */
    output?: string;
    resources?: HintResources;
    /** The time it took to analyze the URL */
    scanTime?: number;
    status?: string;
    /** The analyzed URL */
    target?: string;
    /** webhint's version */
    version?: string;

You can always check the code of any of the official formatters for more complex scenarios.