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jsdom (@hint/connector-jsdom)

A connector to use jsdom in webhint.


This package is installed automatically when adding webhint to your project so running the following is enough:

npm install hint --save-dev

To use it, activate it via the .hintrc configuration file:

    "connector": {
        "name": "jsdom"


The set of settings supported by jsdom connector are:

  • ignoreHTTPSError (boolean): Indicates if errors with certificates should be ignored. Use this when checking self-signed certificates. It is false by default.
  • waitFor (number): time in milliseconds the connector will wait after the site is ready before starting the DOM traversing and stop listening to any network request. By default, it will wait until the network is somehow “quiet” even though more requests could be processed after DOM traversing. Default is 5000.
    "connector": {
        "name": "jsdom",
        "options": {
            "ignoreHTTPSErrors": false,
            "waitFor": 10000

Further Reading