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Using CircleCI and webhint

Using CircleCI and webhint

CircleCI is a CI/CD service you can use to run webhint to test your website.

Source code analysis

You can integrate webhint by adding it to the package.json of a Node project as shown in the “For Node projects” section below. If you are not using Node or don’t want to modify your project’s package.json, you can use the instructions in the “For other project types” section.

For Node projects

In your project, run:

npm install hint --save--dev

In the file package.json add a new script test-hint:

"scripts": {
    "test-hint": "hint ./" // ./ or the path where the files to test are.

Add the file .circleci/config.yml to your project:

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/node:lts
      - checkout # check out the code in the project directory
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run test-hint

Note: By default, hint will use configuration-development if a .hintrc file is not present.

For other project types

If your project is not a Node project or you don’t want to modify your package.json file, you can add a .circleci/config.yml to your project:

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/python:latest-node
      - checkout # check out the code in the project directory
      - run: npm install hint --no-save
      - run: node node_modules/hint/dist/src/bin/hint.js ./ # ./ or the path where the files to test are.

In this case, we need nodejs to be included in the Docker image. For the pre-built CircleCI images, you just need to add -node to the image tag. If you are using your own image, you need to update it to include nodejs. Once we have Node in the image, we can install hint manually and run the scan.

As in the previous example, the default configuration will be configuration-development.

Live site analysis

For Node projects

In your project, run:

npm install hint --save--dev

In the file package.json add a new script test-hint:

"scripts": {
    "test-hint": "hint https://url-to-your-project" // ideally, this url will be to your staging/preproduction environment.

Add the file .circleci/config.yml to your project:

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/node:lts-browsers
      - checkout # check out the code in the project directory
      # Add the necessary steps to deploy your website.
      - run: npm install
      - run: npm run test

Note: By default, hint will use configuration-web-recommended if a .hintrc file is not present.

Note: By default, configuration-web-recommended uses the puppeteer connector, which requires a Chromium browser to work. If you are using a pre-built CircleCI image, you just need to add -browsers to the tag to have browsers installed. If you are using your own custom image, you need to install a Chromium browser in your image first.

For other project types

If your project is not a Node project or you don’t want to modify your package.json, you can

add .circleci/config.yml to your project:

version: 2.1
      - image: circleci/python:latest-node-browsers
      - checkout # check out the code in the project directory
      # Add the necessary steps to deploy your website.
      - run: npm install hint --no-save
      - run: node node_modules/hint/dist/src/bin/hint.js https://url-to-your-project

The default configuration will be configuration-web-recommended.

In this case, we need nodejs and browsers to be included in the Docker image. For the pre-built CircleCI images, you need to add -node-browsers to the image tag. If you are using a custom image, you will need to install nodejs and a Chromium browser in your image.


Further configuration

In order to change the output, severity of the hints, etc. you will have to use your own .hintrc file. Please check the configuring webhint section for more details.