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Supported CSS features

Supported CSS features (compat-api/css)

What does the hint check?

compat-api/css checks if the CSS features used are supported in all target browsers.

Why is this important?

New CSS features are being implemented all the time. It’s tricky knowing when a feature has become standard among all browsers, when it needs a prefix, and when it is not supported. This hint will check if you are using features that are not supported by your target browsers, taking into account prefixes and feature detection via @supports blocks.

Examples that trigger the hint

Support for the box-flex property was never added to any version of Internet Explorer. If Internet Explorer is being targeted, using the box-flex property will trigger the hint.

.example {
    box-flex: 1;

The grid value of the display property was added to Chrome 57 and up. Using display: grid while targeting Chrome prior to 57 will trigger the hint.

.example {
    display: grid;

Using an unsupported property inside an @supports block that was not part of the @supports test will trigger the hint.

@supports (display: flex) {
    .example {
        display: grid;

Examples that pass the hint

The charset at-rule was added in Chrome 2. It will pass when targeting Chrome 2 or higher.

@charset "UTF-8";

The border-radius property was added in IE 9. It will pass when targeting IE 9 or higher.

.example {
    border-radius: 10px;

Using an unsupported property inside an @supports block will pass if it was part of the @supports test.

@supports (display: grid) {
    .example {
        display: grid;

Using a supported property inside an @supports block will pass even if that property was not part of the @supports test.

@supports (display: flex) {
    .example {
        color: black;

Can the hint be configured?

This hint throws errors for CSS features that are not supported in any of the target browsers listed.

The target browsers can be defined in either the .hintrc or package.json file. This property follows the same convention as browserslist.

    "browserslist": [
        "> 1%",
        "last 2 versions"

ignore can be used to specify a list of CSS features to be ignored. The default value is:

    "-moz-appearance: none",
    "-webkit-appearance: none",
    "appearance: none",
    "zoom: 1"

In the .hintrc file:

    "connector": {...},
    "formatters": [...],
    "hints": {
        "compat-api/css": ["error", {
            "ignore": ["border-radius", "box-lines"],

enable can be used to specify a list of CSS features to be checked even if they are included in the ignore list. The default value is [].

In the .hintrc file:

    "connector": {...},
    "formatters": [...],
    "hints": {
        "compat-api/css": ["error", {
            "enable": ["cursor"],


CSS features not represented in MDN will pass to avoid false-positives. These could result from data missing for a particular browser or because a bogus rule, property, or value was used.

CSS selectors, including pseudo-elements such as ::placeholder, are not currently checked.

Further Reading