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No Babel `modules` with webpack

No Babel modules with webpack (modules-false-babel)

Why is this important?

Webpack 2+ supports ES Modules out of the box and therefore doesn’t require you to transpile import/export statements resulting in smaller builds, and better 🌳 shaking.

What does the hint check?

This checks if you are not setting “modules: false” in your babelrc when you are using webpack 2+.

Example that trigger the hint

babel-config configured but modules has a value different to esnext

    "presets": [
      ["env", {
        "targets": {
          "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "> 5% in BE"],
          "uglify": true
        "modules": "commonjs"

Examples that pass the hint

babel-config configured and modules is set to false

    "presets": [
      ["env", {
        "targets": {
          "browsers": ["last 2 versions", "> 5% in BE"],
          "uglify": true
        "modules": false

Further Reading